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2025 January 23 | Photography | „Jazz Series" from Christian Evers - München

Writer's picture: SeseOliveSeseOlive

Updated: 2 days ago

DE 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭🇳🇱🇱🇺 >> ⬇️ PT >> ⬇️⬇️ EN

Ich hatte das Glück, bei der Vernissage einer äußerst faszinierenden Ausstellung von Christian Ever im Zentrum Münchens, im Hansa-Haus, dabei zu sein.

Es ist schwer zu bestimmen, ob er von Fotografien oder Erinnerungen ausgeht und sie in einen ewigen Moment verwandelt. Sicher ist jedoch, dass es ihm gelingt, in einem Gemälde die Emotionen einzufangen, die man empfindet, wenn man einen Musiker spielen hört… insbesondere Jazz.

So vereinte er auf eine ernsthafte, ungezwungene und zugleich intensive Weise die Welten der Malerei, Fotografie und Musik. Zudem hatte er das Gespür, Erklärungen zu seiner Arbeit mit musikalischen Einlagen aus eigener Feder zu verbinden, indem er etwa ein Dutzend Musiker einlud, die den Abend bereicherten.

Ein ebenso wichtiger Hinweis gilt Ursula Sonnenwald, die mich zu diesem außergewöhnlichen Event eingeladen hat. Sie selbst stellte ihre großartigen Fotografien digital aus. Ich wünsche allen Beteiligten viel Erfolg für ihre zukünftigen Projekte!

Hier sind einige Eindrücke von dem, was geschah. Vielen Dank!

Christian Evers - Painter & Artist & Host

May Swan - Singer

Ilan - Contrabass

Simon Harscheidt E-Guitar

Andrea Hermenau - Piano

Rainer Fabich & Edi May - Saxophone

Nathan Carruthers - Drums

Ursula Sonnenwald, SeseOlive & Others - Photographers

Nilo - Violão


PT 🇵🇹🇧🇷

Tive a felicidade de estar presente na vernissage de uma interessantíssima exposição de Christian Ever, no centro de Munique, na Hansa-Haus.

É difícil determinar se ele trabalha a partir de fotografia ou de uma memória, transformando-a num momento eterno. O certo é que consegue imortalizar, numa pintura, a emoção de ouvir um músico a tocar... sobretudo jazz.

Por isso, conseguiu reunir de forma séria, informal e intensa os universos da pintura, da fotografia e da música. Teve ainda o discernimento de intercalar explicações sobre seu trabalho com apontamentos musicais de sua autoria, convidando cerca de uma dúzia de músicos que abrilhantaram a noite.

Uma nota importante também para Ursula Sonnenwald, que me convidou para este extraordinário evento. Ela própria expôs digitalmente suas magníficas fotografias. Toda a sorte do mundo para os trabalhos de todos os envolvidos!

Eis algumas impressões do que aconteceu. Muito obrigado!


EN 🇬🇧🇺🇸

Had the pleasure of attending the vernissage of a truly fascinating exhibition by Christian Ever in the heart of Munich, at the Hansa-Haus.

It is difficult to determine whether he works from photographs or memories, transforming them into eternal moments. What is certain, however, is that he manages to immortalize in a painting the emotion of listening to a musician play… especially jazz.

In doing so, he successfully brought together the worlds of painting, photography, and music in a way that was both serious, informal, and deeply engaging. He also had the insight to intersperse explanations of his work with musical interludes of his own compositions, inviting around a dozen musicians who

enriched the evening.

A special mention also goes to Ursula Sonnenwald, who kindly invited me to this extraordinary event. She herself exhibited her magnificent photographs digitally. I wish all those involved the very best in their future endeavors!

Here are some impressions of what took place. Many thanks!

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