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2025 January 28 | History | Um minuto de Quincy Jones (1933-2024)

Writer's picture: SeseOliveSeseOlive

Updated: 2 days ago

PT 🇵🇹🇧🇷 >> ⬇️ EN >> ⬇️⬇️ DE

Quincy Delight Jones Jr. conhecido como Quincy Jones nasceu a 14 de Março de 1933 em Chicago, Illinois, Estados Unidos.

É conhecido por ter sido um lendário produtor musical, compositor, orquestrador e trompetista, tendo ao longo da sua carreira de 70 anos feito como músico 40 álbuns, participado noutros 15 e produzido, composto, arranjado e dirigido cerca de 104 Discos não esquecendo criação de 27 bandas sonoras para filmes entre milhentas outras coisas como ser o Maestro de "We are the World" que reuniu em 1985 não só todos os grandes artistas mas sobretudo uma extraordinária ajuda financeira para combater a fome na Etiópia. Muito do que ouvimos do Sinatra, Michael Jackson, Sarah Vaugah tem o seu dedo por exemplo.

Com raízes na recente libertação da escravatura bem como de emigração europeia foi a mãe que lhe apresentou a música cantando canções religiosas. Depois da primária e do final da segunda grande guerra a família mudou-se para Seattle onde se desenvolveu no trompete e a fazer arranjos, tendo feito amizade com Ray Charles criando um duo que tocava em casamentos e clubes de jazz. Aos 18 anos ganhou uma bolsa para a Schillinger House (agora Berklee College of Music) que abandonou meses depois para ingressar numa tournée com Lionel Hampton, em 1957 muda-se para Paris para estudar com Nadia Boulanger e Olivier Messiaen, regressando a Los Angeles onde estabelece a sua base na costa oeste.

Venceu 28 Grammys entre muitos outros prémios como Óscars (Filmes), Emmys (TV) e Tonys (Teatro). Tudo isto sem tirar a carta de condução,

Foi casado 3 vezes e teve 7 filhos sendo ainda um activista nas causas raciais, de pobreza, culturais ou de doença, tendo trabalhado com o Bono e originado uma fundação.

Vem a falecer devido a um cancro no pancreas a 3 de Novembro de 2024 com 91 anos na sua casa

em Bel Hair, Los Angeles, California, deixando-nos um legado evolutivo influente e extraordinário para toda a nossa vida musical. E isso fica para as nossas vozes...


EN 🇬🇧🇺🇸

Quincy Delight Jones Jr., known as Quincy Jones, was born on March 14, 1933, in Chicago, Illinois, United States.

He is renowned as a legendary music producer, composer, orchestrator, and trumpeter. Over his 70-year career, he created 40 albums as a musician, participated in 15 others, and produced, composed, arranged, and directed approximately 104 records. He also created 27 film soundtracks and conducted numerous other projects, such as being the conductor of *We Are the World* in 1985, which brought together all the great artists of the time and, most importantly, provided extraordinary financial aid to combat famine in Ethiopia. Much of what we hear from Sinatra, Michael Jackson, and Sarah Vaughan bears his mark, for example.

With roots in the recent abolition of slavery as well as European immigration, it was his mother who introduced him to music by singing religious songs. After elementary school and the end of World War II, the family moved to Seattle, where he developed his trumpet skills and began arranging music. He befriended Ray Charles, forming a duo that played at weddings and jazz clubs. At 18, he won a scholarship to the Schillinger House (now Berklee College of Music), which he left months later to join a tour with Lionel Hampton. In 1957, he moved to Paris to study with Nadia Boulanger and Olivier Messiaen, later returning to Los Angeles to establish his base on the West Coast.

He won 28 Grammy Awards, along with many other accolades, including Oscars (Film), Emmys (TV), and Tonys (Theater). All of this without ever getting a driver's license.

He was married three times and had seven children. He was also an activist for racial, poverty-related, cultural, and health causes, working with Bono and founding a charity organization.

He passed away due to pancreatic cancer on November 3, 2024, at the age of 91, in his home in Bel Air, Los Angeles, California, leaving behind an influential and extraordinary legacy for our musical lives. And that remains with our voices...


DE 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭🇳🇱🇱🇺

Quincy Delight Jones Jr., bekannt als Quincy Jones, wurde am 14. März 1933 in Chicago, Illinois, USA, geboren.

Er ist bekannt als legendärer Musikproduzent, Komponist, Orchestrator und Trompeter. In seiner 70-jährigen Karriere schuf er 40 Alben als Musiker, wirkte an 15 weiteren mit und produzierte, komponierte, arrangierte und dirigierte etwa 104 Alben. Außerdem schuf er 27 Filmmusik-Soundtracks und leitete zahlreiche andere Projekte, wie etwa *We Are the World* im Jahr 1985. Dieses Projekt brachte nicht nur alle großen Künstler der Zeit zusammen, sondern leistete vor allem außergewöhnliche finanzielle Hilfe im Kampf gegen die Hungersnot in Äthiopien. Vieles von dem, was wir von Sinatra, Michael Jackson und Sarah Vaughan hören, trägt beispielsweise seine Handschrift.

Mit Wurzeln in der jüngsten Abschaffung der Sklaverei sowie der europäischen Einwanderung war es seine Mutter, die ihn durch das Singen religiöser Lieder an die Musik heranführte. Nach der Grundschule und dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs zog die Familie nach Seattle, wo er seine Trompetenkünste entwickelte und begann, Musik zu arrangieren. Er freundete sich mit Ray Charles an und gründete ein Duo, das bei Hochzeiten und in Jazzclubs spielte. Mit 18 Jahren erhielt er ein Stipendium für die Schillinger House (heute Berklee College of Music), das er jedoch nach wenigen Monaten verließ, um mit Lionel Hampton auf Tournee zu gehen. 1957 zog er nach Paris, um bei Nadia Boulanger und Olivier Messiaen zu studieren, kehrte später nach Los Angeles zurück und etablierte dort seine Basis an der Westküste.

Er gewann 28 Grammy Awards sowie viele andere Auszeichnungen, darunter Oscars (Film), Emmys (TV) und Tonys (Theater). Und all das, ohne jemals einen Führerschein zu machen.

Er war dreimal verheiratet und hatte sieben Kinder. Außerdem war er Aktivist für Rassen-, Armuts-, Kultur- und Gesundheitsfragen, arbeitete mit Bono zusammen und gründete eine Wohltätigkeitsorganisation.

Er verstarb am 3. November 2024 im Alter von 91 Jahren an Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs in seinem Haus in Bel Air, Los Angeles, Kalifornien, und hinterließ ein einflussreiches und außergewöhnliches Vermächtnis für unser musikalisches Leben. Und das bleibt in unseren Stimmen erhalten.

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